
About the Author

Creative and enthusiastic graduate student in history and educator with over fifteen years of experience, ten of which have been with a Charter Academy specializing in IEP’s, ELL’s and A.P. curriculum. I have had the privilege of working with young people and motivating all styles of learners as well as developing stimulating lesson plans that promote open-mindedness and multiculturalism. Currently finishing the second year of graduate school while working as a teaching assistant with the Hebrew Union College as well as a research assistant at Claremont Graduate University. Expected graduation date: 2025.

Document Type



Toros, Moros, and Empire: The Sixteenth-Century Spanish Bullfight

By David A. González-2023

Relying on the methodological tools provided by New Historicism and Critical Race Theory, this paper evaluates the primary texts of Franciscan minor Francisco de Alcocer’s Tratado del Juego (1559) and the Spanish aristocrat Luis Zapata de Chaves’ Carlo Famoso (1566) and Varia Historia: Miscelania (c. 1595) to assess the extent of non-Europeans’ role and impact on the development of the early modern bullfight. These texts highlight the conflicting views over the bullfight’s European legitimacy. As such, they shed light on the larger debates between church and aristocracy over the meaning of Spanish imperialism, Spanish Catholicism, and Spanish Catholic cultural practices. The literature indicates that the bullfight in Golden Age Spain was obligated to undergo a de-Islamification process in order to survive the various assaults by church officials and papal interdictions. The paper ends with addressing some of the larger implications of this work for the burgeoning historiography of Non-Europeans in early modern European history.

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History Commons



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