Research and Issues in Music Education (RIME) | Faculty Publications | James Madison University


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Editor Title

Founded in 2005 by Dr. Bruce Gleason at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota and moving to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia under the guidance of Dr. David Stringham in 2019, the purpose of Research and Issues in Music Education (RIME) is to provide a forum devoted to thorough research and commentary that energizes, informs, advances, and reforms the practice and pedagogy of music teaching.

The online format of RIME brings music education research into real time, with the possibility of publishing articles immediately upon acceptance rather than being bound by artificial publication dates and deadlines or unnecessary restraints on length. While articles and forums are catalogued for citation purposes in biannual issues, RIME volumes and issues are flexibly determined and research, past and present, published by the journal will be continually available from the web site in its entirety.

An electronic format also allows the journal to present material in a more comprehensive format than is typically available with traditional print media. Interactive materials can be linked from the body of a manuscript, and appropriate sound and/or video files that support or illustrate research can be included.

Current Issue: Volume 17, Number 1

Notes from the Editor

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