"The Effect of Band Director Leadership Style and Student Leadership Ab" by P. Dru Davison


This study examined the relationship between band director leadership styles and the strength of student leadership within the bands. This study also examined the differences between leadership styles, student leadership strength, and band festival ratings (marching and concert). Subjects (N = 42) were band directors from Texas and Arkansas who participated in marching and concert band festivals. The Leadership Measurement Instrument (LMI) was designed to ascertain the strength of student leadership within the band programs, the type of leadership practiced by the directors (autocratic/facilitative), and the marching and concert festival band scores attained by the participants of this study. The data indicated a statistically significant positive relationship (p = .01) for student leadership strength and director leadership style, meaning that band directors with greater facilitative leadership tended to have a greater amount of student leadership within their programs. No statistically significant differences were found for student and director leadership on marching band festival scores. However, data concerning concert band festival ratings revealed significant differences for student leadership strength for concert band festival ratings, favoring high levels of student leadership (p = .018). The data also revealed significant differences for director leadership style, favoring facilitative leaders (p = .004).



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