"A Study of the Comparative Perceptions of Non-Tenured and Tenured Musi" by Dale E. Johanson


The purpose of this study was to elicit information through a survey from non-tenured and tenured music performance teachers and their music supervisors concerning their perceived needs and concerns at work. An instrument created for evaluation and assessment was constructed to yield twelve scale areas of needs and concerns. Comparison of responses provided results showing areas of congruence and disagreement among music performance teachers and supervisors.

Teachers placed teaching materials and resources as a high concern while supervisors expressed greatest concern in the area of music-related competence. In terms of assistance, non-tenured music teachers felt that mentor teachers, music conferences, and discussions with experienced colleagues provided the greatest support during their early years of teaching.

This study provides a means by which music supervisors could better assist their non-tenured music performance teachers. Findings from this research should be of assistance in the development of mentoring and professional development programs.



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