Harrisonburg Firefighter’s Wellness Initiative
Contact Information
CHBS (College of Health and Behavioral Studies)
The Harrisonburg Fire Department was charged with developing a comprehensive wellness plans for its 75 full time firefighters. Assessments for all 75 firefighters were conducted in the summer of 2010 with the assistance of student volunteers and Health Sciences faculty. Starting in the 2010-11 academic year, firefighters were used as clients in the yearlong senior HAP Client Assessment/Wellness Project. This collaborative agreement will benefit the Harrisonburg Fire Department in developing wellness goals for its firefighters and provide an overall profile of the health risks for the department as a whole and unique health characteristic for each individual shift. The fire department health profile was recently used in applying for grants that are available for fire departments nationwide. HAP students benefit from working with individuals who exhibit health risk concerns and a unique population whose job requires physical fitness standards and tasks that must be performed competently.
Web Presence
Involves Faculty, Involves Students, Involves Participants External to JMU
Began in 2010
Ongoing (Currently in existence, year round)
Primary Focus of Program
Health and Healthcare
Community Partner Name
Harrisonburg Fire Department
Areas of Engagement
Community Engagement, Engaged Learning
On/Off campus
Off campus