Documents relating to the development of international law regarding conventional weapons, advocacy on behalf of these treaties, and adherence to the provisions within the treaties.
Return to the main Global CWD Repository page here.
Submissions from 2011
Down to Earth: A Practical Guide for Mine Action and Development Interventions, M Carrier
The Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2011), CCM
We Can Only Be “Mine-Safe” When We Are “Mine-Free”, Tamar Gabelnick
Linking Mine Action and Development: Local-level Benefits and Challenges, Russell Gasser
Landmine and Land Rights in Conflict Affected Contexts, GICHD
Sourcebook on Socio-Economic Survey, GICHD
Information Quality Management in Mine Action, Armen Harutyunyan
Mine Action and Development: Why Should We Become MAD About It?, Humanity and Inclusion
Humanitarian Disarmament, Pascal Rapillard
Landmine Victim or Landmine Survivor: What Is in a Name?, Melanie Reimer and Teresa Broers
Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-first Century: Principles, Methods, and Approaches, Book Review
Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace?, Book Review
Victim-Assistance History in International Humanitarian Law: From Somalia to Geneva to Laos, Ken Rutherford
The Database of Demining Accidents: A Driving Force in HMA, Andy Smith
Tucker’s Story: DCA’s Trustworthy Man in the Field, Tamar Szeps-Znaider
Land Rights in Mine-affected Countries, Jon Unruh, Gabrielle Chaizy, and Sharmala Naidoo
To Walk the Earth in Safety 10th Edition (FY2010), US DOS PM/WRA
Paved With Good Intentions: The Realities of “Safe” Versus “Free”, Roger West
Submissions from 2010
Integrating ERW Programs: The Case for Consolidating CWD Activities, Mark Adams
10th Meeting of the States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (2010), APMBC
The Cartagena Summit Outcome Documents, APMBC
Mine Action Development Funding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael Carrier and John Powell
The First Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2010), CCM
Strengthening the Demining Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, Martin Chitsama
Mine-action Funding: GICHD Survey of Donor Countries, Jean Devlin and Sharmala Naidoo
Letter to the Editor, Tamar Gabelnick
Landmines and Land Rights in Conflict Affected Contexts, GICHD
National Mine Action Strategy Cambodia (2010-2019), GICHD
Non-state Actors and Mine Action: Complications and Solutions, CISR JOURNAL
The Growing Threat to Humanitarian Operations, Adrian King
Redefining Success: Whose Reality Counts?, Asa Massleberg
Ottawa Survey Results, Nicole Neitzey
Micro-projects Help Socioeconomic Recovery of Cleared Areas, Carlos Orozco
The Performance of Militaries in Humanitarian Demining, Ted Paterson
Mine Action and the Implementation of CCW Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War, Book Review
Mine-action Success Story: Nepal, Stephen Robinson
Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes, UNMAS
To Walk the Earth in Safety 9th Edition (FY2009), US DOS PM/WRA
National Mine Action Plan for the Period 2010-2023 for Vietnam, The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Submissions from 2009
9th Meeting of the States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (2008), APMBC
Amending the Ottawa Convention: A Way Forward, Dennis Barlow
Colombia Humanitarian Demining Planning Workshop Executive Summary, CISR
2009 Colombia Humanitarian Demining Planning Workshop, CISR/JMU
Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Latin America, 2002-2007 - Regional Report, Russell Gasser
Change is the Only Constant, Zlatko Gegic
A Guide to the International Mine Action Standards 2010, GICHD
Linking Mine Action and Development | National Mine Action Centres, GICHD
Linking Mine Action and Development | Official Development Cooperation Agencies, GICHD
Linking Mine Action and Development | States Affected by Mines/ERW, GICHD
Mine Action Strategy (2009-2013) - Azerbaijan, GICHD
IEDs and Their Impact on Mine Action, Adrian King
Aid Effectiveness in Insecure Areas, Sharmala Naidoo
IEDs: A Major Threat for a Struggling Society, Pablo Esteban Parra Gallego
Regional Evaluation of EC-funded Mine Action Support in Asia-Pacific 2002-2008, Ted Paterson, Erik Tollefsen, and Mao Vanna
Report on the Feasibility of ANAMA establishing an International Centre for Mine Action in Goygol, Azerbaijan, Bruce Powell
Venezuela, Country Profile
National Strategic Plan for the UXO Sector in the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2010-2020 "The Safe Path Forward II", Lao People's Democratic Republic
To Walk the Earth in Safety 8th Edition (FY2008), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2008
Will Oslo be the Next Ottawa? The Cluster-munitions Debate, Jeff Abramson
Time to Steady the Pendulum, Eddie Banks
Mine-clearance Activities and ANSA Participation: An Analysis, Sadi Caysi
The Convention on Cluster Munitions Dubrokvnik Action Plan, CCM
Increasing Female Voices in Mine-action Planning and Prioritization, Catherine Cecil and Kristen Rasmussen
Cluster Munitions: Should They be Banned?, Henry Dowlen, MD
Gender Issue: An Example from Lao PDR, Jo Durham
Evaluation of Regional Evaluation of the EC-Funded Mine Action in the Middle East, 2002-2008, Steinar Essen and Ralf Otto
The Article 5 Extension Request Process, Tamar Gabelnick
EC-Funded Mine Action in Latin America Volume 2 - Country Reports, Russell Gasser
Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in South East Europe | 2002-2007, GICHD
Linking Mine Action and Development | Humanitarian and Development NGOs, GICHD
Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan, Mine Action Strategic Guideline (2008-2013), GICHD
Buy a Schonstedt, Save a Life, CISR JOURNAL
Cluster Munitions: The Ban Process, CISR JOURNAL
DPKO Practices in Gender Mainstreaming, CISR JOURNAL
Female and Integrated Demining Teams: Past, Present and Future, CISR JOURNAL
Gender in the Mine-action Community, CISR JOURNAL
Gender Stigma and ERW Injuries, CISR JOURNAL
NPA’s All-female Demining Team in Sudan, CISR JOURNAL
Special Report: The Looming Ottawa Deadlines, CISR JOURNAL
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, CISR JOURNAL
Demining and the Environment: A Primer, CISR JOURNAL and Anthony Morin
Kurdish Landmine Plight Across and Along the Borders, Armin Köhli
The Looming Ottawa Deadlines: The Case of Mozambique, Maria Isabel Macedo dos Santos
Global Environmental Demining Issues, Ian McLean and Rebecca Sargisson
Environmental Damages from Minefields, Raafat Misak and S. Omar
An African Perspective on the Cluster Munitions Convention, Sheila Mweemba
Gendered Structures of Mine Action, Marie Nilsson and Virginie Rozes
Mine Action and the Environment, Faiz Paktian
Toward a New Mine Action Strategy for Cambodia, Ted Paterson, Mao Vanna, and Chan Rotha
The Reintegration of Landmine Survivors in Mine-affected Northeast Albania, Melanie Reimer
Unexploded Ordnance Cleanup Costs: Implications of Alternative Protocols, Book Review
Connecting the Dots: The Ottawa Convention and the CCM, Ken Rutherford, Nerina Čevra, and Tracey Begley
Reaching the Right People: Gender and Mine Action, Melissa Sabatier and Reuben McCarthy
Cluster Munitions Monitoring and Information Campaign in Azerbaijan, Hafiz Safikhanov
Landmines/Explosive Remnants of War and the War on Terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Ayman Sorour
From Paris 2005 to Accra 2008: Will Aid Become More Accountable and Effective?, International CSO Steering Group
NCDR and Women in Jordan, Adnan Telfah and CISR JOURNAL
Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Convention On Cluster Munitions, UN
To Walk the Earth in Safety 7th Edition (FY2006-FY2007), US DOS PM/WRA