Studies, reports and country/region reports specific to SA/LW, PSSM, stockpile destruction, etcetera.
Return to the main Global CWD Repository page here.
Submissions from 2024
Surveying Eighty-Year-Old Battlefields in Solomon Islands, Simon Conway
To Walk the Earth in Safety 23rd Edition (FY2023), CISR JMU
Preventing Arms Diversion in Wartime Ukraine: A Brief Overview, Olena Kryzhanivska Ph.D.
Working to Prevent and Reduce the Impact of Armed Violence in Coastal West Africa, Clément Meynier
Studying the Effects of Aging on Ammunition Under Water, Nicole Neitzey and Colin King
Localization in Mine Action: Where the Possible Meets the Necessary, Markus Schindler
Angola: Hidden Danger, Sean Sutton
Submissions from 2023
Empowering Host Nation Counter-IED and Counter-Insurgency Efforts: Innovative Application of Ordnance Recycling, Lynna Banach, Commodore Roy Vincent T. Trinidad, and Captain Julien B. Dolor
Safer Stockpiles: Developing Regional PSSM Instructor Cadres, David Häfner and Joseph Farha
Department of State's Quick Reaction Force: Twenty-Three Years of Service, Charlie Holloway
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 27.3 (2023), CISR JMU
Integrated Cooperation in Implementing Firearm Deactivation Capabilities: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colonel Geir P. Novik
Submissions from 2022
The Evolution of Physical Security and Stockpile Management: A Successful Implementing Partnership Perspective, Lee Moroney and Mark Veneris
To Walk the Earth in Safety 21st Edition (CY2021), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2021
A Pressing Need: Decades of Agreement, Few Results on Arms Record-Keeping, Philip Alpers
Managing Risk Through Transparency and Cooperation: Improving Lebanon’s PSSM Capacity, Jamie McGhee
Recognizing and Reducing Risks From Ammunition and Explosives, Martina Salini and Samuel Paunila
To Walk the Earth in Safety 20th Edition (CY2020), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2020
A Twenty-Minute Walk Through Fallujah: Using Virtual Reality to Raise Awareness about IEDs in Iraq, Sandra Bialystok
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Issue 24.2 (2020), CISR JMU
Cluster Munition Remnant Survey in Southeast Asia, Kimberly McCosker, Jan Erik Stoa, and Katherine Harrison
To Walk the Earth in Safety 19th Edition (CY2019), US DOS PM/WRA
Game-Based Learning: An Innovative and Scalable Approach to Mine Risk Education, Ta Thi Hai Yen
Submissions from 2019
Ammunition Stockpile Management: A Global Challenge Requiring Global Responses, Nora Allgaier and Samuel Paunila
More Bang for Their Buck: Enhancing the Sustainability of Surplus Ammunition Destruction Programs, Joe Farha, Matthias Krotz, and Einas Osman Abdalla Mohammed
Utilizing the IATG in Conflict-Affected and Low-Capacity Environments, GICHD
A Guide to Developing National Standards for Ammunition Management, GICHD and Small Arms Survey
Critical Path Guide to the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines, GICHD and Small Arms Survey
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 23.2 (2019), CISR JOURNAL
To Walk the Earth in Safety 18th Edition (CY 2018), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2018
Life-Cycle Management of Ammunition: Safety, Security, and Sustainability, Jovana Carapic, Eric J. Deschambault, Paul Holtom, and Benjamin King
Increasing Efforts in SSMA: What Does it Take?, Ursign Hofmann, Samuel Paunila, and Katherine Prizeman
The Hybrid Thermal Lance: A Promising New Technique for the Destruction of Landmines and UXO by Deflagration, Donald Pratt and Nick Torbet
To Walk the Earth in Safety 17th Edition (CY2017), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2017
Promoting Secure Stockpiles and Countering Diversion, Eric Berman and Benjamin King
Strengthening Security in Mali with Weapons and Ammunition Management, Marlène Dupouy
Crossing the Fence: Challenges of Operationalizing PSSM, Elvan Isikozlu, Matthias Krötz, and Claire Trancart
Achieving PSSM Through Civil Society and Military Cooperation, Lee Moroney
To Walk the Earth in Safety 17th edition (CY2017), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2016
The Argument for Thermal Treatment: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chad Clifton
Stockpile Destruction of Obsolete Surface-to-Air Missiles in Mali, Marlène Dupouy and Charles Frisby
Advanced Training on Ammunition Identification and Disposal in Afghanistan, GICHD
Gendered Vulnerabilities to Small Arms in South Central Somalia, Abigail Jones, Nicola Sandhu, and Lucas Musetti
Arms Management and Destruction Programming: Taking Stock, Chris Loughran and Djadranka Gillesen
Ammunition Safety Management | Preventing loss of life and property and diversion from stockpiles, Samuel Paunila and Andrew Hoole
Armed Violence Reduction in Central Mali: A Community-based Approach, Sonia Pezier and Jean-Denis Larsen
To Walk the Earth in Safety 16th edition (CY2016), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2015
National Capacities and Residual Contamination | Mali, GICHD
Unplanned Explosions of Munition Stockpiles, Ken Rutherford and Matthew Williams
To Walk the Earth in Safety 14th edition (FY2014), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2014
Ghana Begins Marking SA/LW, News Brief
Assessment of Mozambique's National Capacities and to Manage Residual Contamination, GICHD
National Capacities and Residual Contamination | Liberia, GICHD
Safety, Security, and Socio-Economic Wellbeing in Somaliland, Laura Hammond
Surplus SA/LW Destruction Project in Mauritania, Phillipe Houliat
The Journal of ERW and Mine Action Issue 18.2 (2014), CISR JOURNAL
Promoting Firearms Marking in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lourdes Rincon
To Walk the Earth in Safety 13th edition (FY2013), US DOS PM/WRA
CWD Response to Ammunition Depot Accidents, George Zahaczewsky
Submissions from 2013
Munitions Risk Education in Cambodia, Sambath Chan
Prevention of Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites in Tajikistan, Artyom Harutyunyan and Ramzia Mamadnazarova
Preventing Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites, Chris Loughran and Daan Redelinghuys
Self-help Ammunition Destruction Options Worldwide (SHADOW), Lee Maroney and Kay Gamst
Weapons and Ammunition Security: The Expanding Role of Mine Action, Elena Rice
Addressing Underwater Ordnance Stockpiles in Cambodia, Allen D. Tan
To Walk the Earth in Safety 12th Edition (FY2012), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2012
Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites: Concerns and Consequences, Eric Berman and Pilar Reina
Grenade Depot Blast Kills 25 in Turkey, News Brief
Small Arms/Light Weapons and Physical Security in Misrata, Libya, Adam Forbes
How DTRA/SCC-WMD is Minimizing the Risk of Catastrophic Accidents, Anne Marek
The Role of Mine Action in Curbing the Small Arms Threat, Albert Souza Mülli and Sharmala Naidoo
To Walk the Earth in Safety 11th Edition (FY2011), US DOS PM/WRA
Firearms Safety in Somaliland: From Mine Action to Community Safety, William Vest-Lillesøe
Submissions from 2011
Linking Security System Reform and Armed Violence Reduction, Programming Note, OECD Conflict and Fragility
White Phosphorus Disposal in the Gaza Strip, Kerei Ruru and Mark Alan Russell
To Walk the Earth in Safety 10th Edition (FY2010), US DOS PM/WRA
Small-arms and Light-weapons Risk Education in Iraq, Meredith Wotten and Kirsty Jenatsch
Submissions from 2010
Consolidating Peace through PSSM Projects in Burundi, Julie Claveau
Physical Security and Stockpile Management, Dave Diaz
Albania Makes Progress in Demilitarization, Matt Goodyear
International Action Network on Small Arms, CISR JOURNAL
Organization Profile: Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons, CISR JOURNAL
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, CISR JOURNAL
DTRA PSSM Global Efforts to Reduce Stockpile Threats, John Schmitt
To Walk the Earth in Safety 9th Edition (FY2009), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2009
SA/LW and the OSCE Response, Jernej Cimperšek
Identifying Synergies Between Mine Action and Small Arms/Light Weapons, Eric Filippino
Beyond Weapons Collection: Promoting Safe and Responsible SA/LW Management, Nicolas Florquin, Karina Lynge, and Klaus Ljørring Pedersen
SA/LW and the Arms Trade Treaty, CISR JOURNAL
Uzbekistan Ammunition Depot Explosion Cleanup: U.S. DoD Support, CISR JOURNAL
MAG Involvement with SA/LW, Steve Priestley
First Workshop on Regional Approaches to Stockpile Reduction in Southeast Europe, Daniele Ressler, Dave Diaz, and Laurie Freeman
To Walk the Earth in Safety 8th Edition (FY2008), US DOS PM/WRA
The Role of Education on Awareness of Ammunition-dismantling Risks, Brunilda Zenelaga
Submissions from 2008
To Walk the Earth in Safety 7th Edition (FY2006-FY2007), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2007
Demining of Underground Adits in Ukraine, Yurii Kolisnyk
Submissions from 2006
EC Support to Mine Action and Ammunition Stockpile Destruction Afghanistan: Final Assessment Report, APMBC
Explosive Remnants of War and the Reality of Azerbaijan, Nazim Ismaylov and Emil M. Hasanov