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Victim Assistance, Advocacy and International Law, HI, Humanity and Inclusion


The work that we are presenting today is not only a legal exploration of current or future possibilities, of difficulties and pitfalls, outrageous oversights. It should also be seen as an indignant protest against the nonchalance of States and the producers of lethal devices, little inclined to acknowledge and assume their responsibilities. It should also be heard as an appeal to organisations and authorities specialised in the accompaniment of victims, particularly legal accompaniment, to take up this issue. Finally, it is a way of saying to victims that their determination is not in vain, that political intent constantly needs pointing in the right direction and that their demands contribute towards this. In December 2004, during the summit for a minefree world in Nairobi, the State parties to the Mine Ban treaty adopted an action plan in which they qualified victim assistance as an “obligation”.



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