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Advocacy and International Law, Mine Action, Gender, Guidelines


The UN General Assembly requires all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates and ensure that commitments on paper lead to progress on the ground. In response to this call and to facilitate gender mainstreaming, strengthen the quality of mine action interventions, and promote gender equality, these guidelines were first produced in 2005 and subsequently updated in 2010, prior to this revision published in 2019. In that time the mine action sector has made progress towards mainstreaming gender in several areas, particularly in risk education, victim assistance, and community liaison. However, more remains to be done to ensure that mine action programmes support gender equality and fulfil their potential to promote transformative progress in many affected countries.

These guidelines aim to provide practical steps to mainstream gender and promote gender equality in mine action programmes, based on experience from the sector. They are intended for use by both UN mine action field personnel and all other stakeholders with an interest in the promotion of gender mainstreaming in the sector, including: both NGO and private operators, advocacy organizations, national authorities, donors, and other relevant national, international and UN counterparts.



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