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Small Arms, Risk Education, Centres and Organisations, Conventional Stockpile Weapons Stockpile Destruction, Victim Assistance, Country Assessment, United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, UNDP


The proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) in the Great Lakes Region (GLR) of Africa has exacerbated conflicts in Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sudan, Angola, Congo-Brazzaville and elsewhere in the region. Small arms availability has also aggravated the degree of violence by increasing the lethality and duration of hostilities, and the resulting culture of violence has obstructed peace efforts and delayed the launching of economic and social recovery in post-war societies in the region. Until very recently, governments in the region have lacked the capacity to deal with illicit supplies and trafficking, and even now, their capacity is limited. The lack of alternative livelihoods for those who are involved in armed groups, as well as general insecurity, have meant that individuals and groups are reluctant to surrender the weapons in their possession.



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