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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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DDAS, 2004, Bosnia Herzegovina, excavation, PROM-1


In a non-marked lane, deminer [Victim No.1] tried to identify the source of a metal-detector signal by using a prodder and an excavation tool. He possibly used the prodder and the excavation tool simultaneously to achieve higher productivity. The star of the PROM-1 was above the ground surface. Therefore it is not likely that the mine was activated with a prodder. It is most likely that it was activated with inappropriate excavation tool. The examination of the area cleared in the days before the accident leads to the conclusion that vertical excavation had been performed, which is characteristic for non-demining tools and against the Standard of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the SOP of the company.



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