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DDAS, 2006, Afghanistan, excavation, PMN, AP


Task no.007 started by [National demining agency] Sur.T-10 on 24-Sep-06 and it is ongoing (92%) but unfortunately on 12-11-2006 at 11:00am demining accident happened on [Victim No.1] Surveyor of [National demining agency] Sur. Team no. 10, while he was busy on excavation in the boundary lane. Generally Land type of the contaminated area is Grazing in accordance with the LIS information the mentioned community is accounted as high impact, including three suspected hazard areas (SHAs). This is a self Propelled (weedy) land for a kind of Vegetable using for medicine that is exported from Afghanistan to India ... which is accounted as a main income beneficiary for the inhabitants housed around. The MF location is 40-50 Minutes foot distance far from the community top of the hills. Based on the LISA information, the land has contaminated by AP, PMN and POMZ type mines during 1983-1986 by Russian and their Mercenary government, using [mines] as defence tools for protection of their Posts that are placed for the Security of Kabul —Mazar highway. This contamination has caused for 40 mine victims, resulted 17 killed and 23 injured, in addition of one Demining accident that occurred on [Another national demining group] deminer in the boundary lane of task no.001 on Tuesday 10th May 2005 in SHA 01. Initially the task no.007 is a portion area of SHA-01 which has share boundary lane with Cleared task no.001.



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