JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic dissertations from 2014 to the present.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The effects of age on the mismatch negativity response to differences in place of articulation, Meredith Robotti
Normal and Mutant Murine auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), Kristin Shearer
Identity development and the construction of self: Findings and implications from the Forum BEVI Project, Jessica Christine Spaeth
A comparison of vibrotactile and air puff stimulation for inducing swallowing, Kathryn Diane White
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Continuing Abby Whiteside's legacy--The research of pianist Sophia Rosoff's pedagogical approach, Carol Ann Barry
Comparison of speech intelligibility over the telephone using a hearing aid micorphone and telecoil, Phillip K. Bond
Introducing the unified measure of university mattering: Instrument development and evidence of the structural integrity of scores for transfer and native students, Megan Katharine France
An exploration of swallowing stimulation in the infant, Sarah Elizabeth Hegyi
Objective and subjective evaluation of wind noise reduction in digital hearing aids, Sheena Kate Jessee
Nonresponse bias in online course evaluations, Cassandra Jones
Franz Liszt: The Sonata in B Minor as spiritual autobiography, Jonathan David Keener
The increasing rate of undergraduate male attrition: What the men tell us. A qualitative case study., Monika Neelam Kushwaha
Examining the bricks and mortar of socioeconomic status: An empirical comparison of measurement methods, Ross Markle
Effects of speech signal type and attention on acceptable noise level in elderly, hearing-impaired listeners, Jennifer Susan Mundorff
An evaluation of a new method of IRT Scaling, Shelley Ragland
Development and validation of the Preservice Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Items (PMKT): A mixed-methods approach, Javarro Antoine Russell
Effect of real-ear verification on hearing aid benefit, Sarah K. Sporck
The evolution of style in the neoclassical works of Stravinsky, Kyle Szabo
The effect of Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification on the accuracy and efficiency of ABR threshold estimation, Julie Kathleen Wheeler