
Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Strategic Leadership Studies

Second Advisor

Robin D. Anderson

Third Advisor

Margaret F. Sloan


This mixed methods study explored the experiences with, as well as the levels of and predictors of, organizational commitment amongst non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) members. 652 NTTF members from mid-size public comprehensive university with a teaching focus in the SACS COC accrediting region received a confidential electronic survey measuring organizational sense of belonging, dependence on NTTF income, level of underemployment, and engagement with the faculty development center. Control variables included demographic characteristics, length of time in a contingent position, type of appointment (FT or PT), discipline, and possession of a terminal academic degree. The dependent variable was affective organizational commitment measured using the nine-item Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (Commeiras, & Fournier, 2001). The quantitative data (N=200) was analyzed using multiple linear regression, and results of the quantitative strand were used to select participants in qualitative interviews. Both organizational sense of belonging and teaching in a STEM discipline correlated with affective organizational commitment. Data from nine qualitative interviews were analyzed alongside the quantitative results using constant comparative coding. Six themes emerged, including evidence that NTTF members consistently exhibit commitment to student learning and development. University-wide faculty development was found to boost NTTF organizational sense of belonging. Leadership implications are discussed, and specific policy recommendations to better integrate NTTF into the collegium are offered.



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