Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
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Date of Graduation
Summer 2015
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Department of History
Yongguang Hu
The vast number of Cinderella variants across the world is staggering and almost unfathomable. Hundreds of versions exist all across the world including Africa, Europe, and Asia. Most people are familiar with the modern Cinderella version written by a French author in the 17th century. But unbeknownst to a majority of the population, this story dates back centuries ago from earlier time periods. One of the earliest written accounts of the Cinderella story was found in China about 850-860 A.D and the name of the protagonist was Yeh-hsien, instead of Cinderella. By means of comparative textual analysis, three versions of Cinderella from across the world in pre-modern societies (Egyptian, Indian, & Chinese) will be examined for cultural traces and methods of diffusion. I will then briefly attempt to establish my case from the textual evidence that it is possible to examine evidence for cross-cultural encounters in pre-modern societies.
Recommended Citation
Kim, Jae Ho, "Cinderella: The study of cross-cultural encounters in pre-modern societies" (2015). Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019. 13.