Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Margulis revisited: Once more on program notes and audience enjoyment, Jocelyn Abrahamzon
Learning in the light of freedom: The Mississippi freedom schools of 1964, Emma E. Appleton
Moments as they pass, Jesus Armenta
Children of Milagros: Bringing aid to a community center in need, Matthew Ashley
Detecting the cold: Do innexins function in cold nociception?, Rachel Barborek
Impact of one night sleep restriction on autonomic function and heart rate variability in recreational cyclists, Amanda J. Becker
Life variables of college students who report helicopter parenting, Faith Benton
A study of the effect of memory system configuration on the power consumption of an FPGA processor, Adam Blalock
Perspectives of caregiver-survivor dyads following TBI: A case series, Shayleen Brennan
JMU campus inclusivity video project, Meredith Grace Browder
Intimacy idolization and ego development in adolescence: Links to social relationships and wellness in early adulthood, Rachel Brown
Deaf education: The past, present, and future, Diana Burke
A Bridge Between Earth & Sky: How the Natural World Shaped the Civilizations of Ancient and Early-Modern Persia, Sophia Cabana
The effects of post-exercise nutrient intake on hydration status and muscle soreness ratings in youth cyclists, Allison Cadematori
Understanding awareness and completion of advanced care directives: An exploratory study, Katherine Anna Chiu and Katherine Grace Topf
Grain size and vegetation as controlling variables of stream channel morphology, Grant Colip
Examining the effectiveness of interprofessional collaboration for preprofessional speech-language pathology and occupational therapy graduate students, Morgan Cornwell
Speech characteristics of conversational speech tasks, Ashley Cox
Harrisonburg a lo largo de los años: Un estudio sobre el crecimiento de la diversidad en la ciudad, Hannah Creighton
The significance of IT certifications for James Madison University's Computer Information Systems major, Joseph Crouch
Group culture in successful organizations, Courtney Cybert
Assessment of Structural Competency in Baccalaureate Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study, Elle J. Del Gallo
Learning how to learn, Kyle Duffie
The reproducibility crisis in scientific research, Sarah Eline
Teaching empathy: Examining the relationship between state political environment and social studies curriculum, Norman Morris Ellis III
Rhetoric and ethics: A Burkean analysis of modern cult (and anti-cult) tactics, Lydia Erickson
Economic development and peace: To be pursued in tandem, Allison Fisher
The history of Lizzie Borden: Burying the axe, Christian Ford
What the hack is a hacker?, Paige Franklin, Ryan Adams, and Caroline Henry
How to live: Lessons from Old English and Old Norse/Icelandic wisdom literature, Rhys Frazier
Analyzing the effect of apoptotic mutations on the state of the nascent-polypeptide associated complex in Caenorhabditis elegans, Monica Gerber
Participant accuracy and impact of biofeedback on a skilled swallowing task, Caris Giessler
Free speech on public college campuses, Christopher Gothard
Universal design and accessibility in Taipei City: Definitions, design, and the Disability Rights Movement, Hannah Goulette
Bringing the norm to the ‘Burgs: Gender and design at two Virginia Normal Schools 1908-1928, Inga H. Gudmundsson
An Analysis of Tourism’s Impact on Our Modern World and Possible Solutions to Creating Sustainable Tourism Management, Morgan Hack
An effective methodology for teaching writing to adolescent English learners, Emily Hadfield
Quantification of neuronal specific responses to depletion of the Nascent Polypeptide-Associated Complex in Caenorhabditis elegans, Harrison Hall
over certain undecidedness these heartstring intimations, Martha Hemingway
Structure/function analysis of FegA and FhuA in bradyrhizobium sp., Alexander James Herd
Hearing studies in old mice: The effect of pre-pulse inhibition on the acoustic startle response, Ashley B. Hillyard and Nicolette S. Chuss
Perceived helicopter parenting and self-determination theory in emerging adulthood, Emily Hivick
Investigating the role of integrin beta 3 in dendritic arborization in the supragranular developing cerebral cortex, Zachary Logan Holley
A war of frustration: Saddam Hussein’s use of nerve gas on civilians at Halabja (1988) and the American response, Christopher Huber
The MicroSociety® model: An assessment of civic engagement outcomes amongst fourth and fifth grade students, Jewel Hurt
Dry river watershed valuation and management plan, Julia Hutchens
Family of origin experiences and young adults’ romantic relationship outcomes, Emily Isola
Levels of human tear lacritin isoforms in healthy adults, Brooke Justis
Cause campaign for dating abuse in college, Isabel Elaine Kerr
World throne, Wyatt Lam
"Playhouse creatures:" A study of restoration actresses, Emily LaPlante
A critical analysis of the metaphysics of limit and unlimited in Plato's Philebus, Ashley Lascano
Increasing food security: Developing and testing a nutrition education curriculum for a mobile food pantry, Alexandra Lepecha and Kathleen M. Kraft
The effect of one night of sleep restriction on aerobic exercise performance, Lindsay Lickers
Overcoming degradation: A novel synthetic strategy for antisense oligonucleotide analogs, Annie Lin
The influence of body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, and physical activity on serum GGT in college drinkers, Gillian Mackey
Expanding business to Harrisonburg, Graham Maguire
How does access to healthcare affect life expectancy?, Yara Mahmoud
Lead contamination of soils in an abandoned rifle range, Augusta County, Virginia, Logan Mahoney
American and British speech differences in low socioeconomic status homes, Jennifer Markfeld
Analyzing discourse surrounding the George Morris Ban: An ideological critique of sexual assault culture in sports, Megan McLoughlin
Pieces of us: Songwriting our stories in Harrisonburg, VA, Davina Miaw
Donald Trump did a “very good” job: A rhetorical analysis of candidate Trump’s campaign speeches, Caroline Mohan
Second class citizens - A comparative analysis of LGBTQ quality of life, Paige Stuart Moody
The feasibility of standardized cognitive assessments for vestibular patients, Brynn Morales
Do EMG monitoring and amplitude normalization reduce cVEMP variability in a pediatric population?, Brenna Murray
The future of the euro in a post-Greek environment: opportunities and perils, Mallory Orr
The One Health initiative: The intersection of human, animal, and environmental health, Mary Evelyn Pearsall
Investigating the effect of sodium benzoate on immune cells and microbial populations in the small intestine of murine species., Shelby Pedigo
The effects of nap duration on sleep inertia and physical performance, Angela Petretta
A lens on national parks past and present: Bringing conservation and climate change into collective focus, Megan Phillips
Enmesh: The art of trauma and recovery, Joanna Pottle
The United States' shifting relationship with Taiwan due to Cold War influences, Hunter Pratt
An examination of factors associated with body appreciation, sociocultural attitudes of appearance, and ratings of diverse performing artists, Stephanie Rathjen
China: Do the Uighurs represent a serious threat?, Bridget Read and Ryan Walters
Do policy frameworks affect microfinance participation in Kenya?, Matthew Reed
Battle for the minds: Use of propaganda films in Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany, David Rosenblum
Decrypting female attractivity in garter snakes, Holly Rucker
Rewriting honors 300: Teaching for teaching assistants, Nina Schenk
Using data science to detect fake news, Eliza Shoemaker
Modeling a chaotic billiard: The Bunimovich Stadium, Randal Shoemaker
Do faces facilitate or distract children from attending to threats?, Sarah A. Skidmore
A feasibility study of industrial hemp on Virginia commercial poultry production, Aaron Sloss
See and be seen: Young adult refugee literature in the high school curriculum, Patrice Splan
The visual presidency of Donald Trump's first hundred days: Political image making and digital media, Ryan T. Strand
Antwerp-opedia: A Microsoft SharePoint site, Catherine Susco
Combining chicken retina RNA-seq data across studies to strengthen biomarker detection, Sarah Szvetecz
Anne Brontë the Universalist: Religion and patriarchal subversion in the tenant of Wildfell Hall and Agnes Grey, Ardyn Tennyson
Moral distress in critical care and emergency department nurses, Morgan Timberlake and Nicole Phillips
China's global influence in 2025: Projected foreign policy strategies, Melissa Toman
Environmental monitoring using a drone-enabled wireless sensor network, Gina Valentino, Laura Yates, and Brooke Potter
Protected areas in Tanzania: The coevolution of conservation, communities, and conflict, Rachael Vannatta
Stitching the void, Taylor Van Ness
How does media coverage of oil pipelines affect governmental response?, Haley Walter
Obscurin is a semi-flexible molecule in solution, Jacob Whitley
The effects of finite precision on the simulation of the double pendulum, Rebecca Wild