Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Department of Psychology


Bryan K. Saville


The present study sought to examine whether passion for academic activities predicted students’ enjoyment of and performance in an interteaching-based course. Although previous studies have shown interteaching to produce better student-learning outcomes than lecture, few studies have examined factors that predict how students respond to interteaching. Because people who have higher levels of harmonious passion tend to approach activities in an open and flexible manner, we predicted that harmonious passion for academic activities would predict increased enjoyment of and performance in an interteaching-based course. In contrast, because people with higher levels of obsessive passion approach activities in a rigid and inflexible manner, we predicted that obsessive passion for academic activities would predict less enjoyment and decreased performance in an interteaching-based class. In contrast with our hypotheses, we found that obsessive passion, but not harmonious passion, predicted higher mid-semester enjoyment. Neither type of passion, however, predicted enjoyment at the end of the semester. In addition, harmonious passion was negatively related to overall course performance.



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