Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


Abdelrahman Rabie



The food processing industry must meet customers’ highest quality expectations at the lowest cost. I partnered with Nestlé’s pizza facility in Little Chute, WI, to improve the current customer complaint approach of the quality department, which aimed to improve product quality. To improve the total quality of the system, this project established a defensive method of addressing customer complaints. Some strategies used to improve the current Customer Complaint Management System (CCMS) include Quality Functional Deployment (QFD), fuzzy logic, Kano’s methods, Voice of the customer (VOC) and Go-See-Think-Do (GSTD). These strategies are all related, but have not previously been used collaboratively. The joined force of these methods will better satisfy the customer, improve quality, and decrease overall error. During the Summer of 2014, a work-study was conducted on the DiGiorno pizza line to identify the areas in need of change. The application of multiple quality strategies was researched throughout the fall of 2014. These strategies were then blended to best suit the DiGiorno pizza line. The result was a customer complaint management system that provided a methodical approach to addressing customers’ complaints and correcting the associated manufacturing component. The new system will be incorporated into the Nestlé plant in the future.



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