Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


School of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication


Sarah O'Connor

Cynthia Allen

Elisabeth Gumnior


On a campus where women make up a majority of the student population, it is especially important that female voices are heard and given a platform on which they can control their own narrative. I wanted to give those female-identifying voices that platform. I conducted a series of interviews to examine how college-aged female-identifying students feel about their identity and how they construct that identity within the climate of the JMU community. I was particularly interested in the intersections of gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual preference, and ability. I asked each person to share their stories of times when they were confronted with their difference as it relates to identity, talk about how they define themselves, and offer up advice to the public on how to create a more inclusive environment as it relates to their needs as an individual.



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