Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Fall 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Honors Interdisclipinary


Bradley R. Newcomer

Kimiko Tanaka

Timothy Howley


There are currently 22.5 million refugees worldwide who have been displaced from their home countries due to war, conflict, or persecution. Of this total, only 1% are recommended for resettlement each year. In recent years, many of these resettled refugees have come from Iraq, fleeing conflict stemming from the Iraq war and ISIS. Upon resettlement, refugees face significant acculturation difficulties that can negatively affect mental health. Additionally, experiencing domestic violence and abuse (DVA) can also negatively affect physical and mental health. I researched how the refugee migration experience and domestic violence and abuse affect mental health as well as what unique barriers refugees face when accessing mental health and DVA resources. Finally, I discuss suggestions for improving resettled refugees’ access to mental health and domestic violence and abuse resources, and discuss my experience implementing these suggestions with resettled Iraqi refugees in the Harrisonburg, Virginia area.



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