Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders


Erin Piker

Christina Kuo

Lincoln Gray


To determine if EMG monitoring or the use of amplitude normalization would significantly reduce the amplitude variability and amplitude asymmetry of the cVEMP in children ages 3 and under, we first needed to create a control group with young, healthy adults to compare the pediatric group to. We also wanted to replicate earlier studies that showed EMG monitoring and amplitude normalization does not have an impact on the VEMP in young, healthy adults. We tested two different positions, sitting and supine. Supine is the optimal position to generate EMG, but we wanted to have control data in case the pediatric group is unable or unwilling to be in the supine position for the test. Our findings were similar to previous studies and we know that young, healthy adults can generate equal EMG on both their left and right sides, but clinical populations like young children may not be able to. Therefore, EMG monitoring can be a critical aspect of a cVEMP in cases where a child may need to be tested.



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