Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities


Laura Desportes


After experiencing a general lack of knowledge at James Madison University (JMU) regarding inclusivity of students with varying abilities, I decided to find the best way to educate the JMU community on how to be more accommodating on campus. I surveyed students served by the Office of Disability Services in order to assess their concerns and needs. My survey data indicated that the students on campus with disabilities have felt isolated at JMU because of multiple factors including both student and faculty ignorance. After researching the significant role played by videos and social media in shaping public opinion, I used the data I collected from the survey and created a video to promote sensitivity and inclusion among the JMU population. This video was created to be effective in both educating and influencing the JMU campus. After sharing this video on multiple social media platforms, my next step is to propose the video to the JMU orientation office in the hope that all incoming freshman will be able to be educated on contributing to a more inclusive and welcoming campus for all students.

browdemg_progresslog.pdf (116 kB)
Progress Log

browdemg_video.pdf (200 kB)
Video Link



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