Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
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Date of Graduation
Spring 2019
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Department of Engineering
Samuel A. Morton III
This project sought to characterize industrial hemp as a potential competitive agricultural commodity for the state of Virginia. Specifically, industrial hempseed was evaluated as a feedstock for the commercial broiler (meat-chickens) industry in Virginia.
Data were gathered to identify both the advantages and disadvantages of industrial hempseed as a nutritional resource for broilers. Key nutritional compositions were identified, quantified, and compared to several common feed ingredients, such as soybean, wheat, corn, and sorghum. Hempseed (whole seed) was found to have a considerably high amino acid content, protein, fiber, and metabolizable energy – making it an attractive alternative to conventional feedstuffs.
However, there are several challenges that exist for the introduction of whole hempseed to commercial poultry diets. It should be noted that, “hemp is currently not an allowable component of commercial feed for animals that produce food for humans, and is not defined as a feed ingredient by the [Association of American Feed Control Officials] AAFCO” [1]. This is due to the uncertainties of the pharmacological effects of cannabinoids in broilers (and therefore in humans by consumption). Further research must be conducted to understand the effects of cannabinoids, notably delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), on broilers when present in their diets.
Recommended Citation
Sloss, Aaron, "A feasibility study of industrial hemp on Virginia commercial poultry production" (2019). Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019. 716.