Senior Honors Projects, 2020-current


Date of Graduation




Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Department of Psychology

Second Advisor

Kala J. Melchiori

Third Advisor

Fawn-Amber Montoya

Fourth Advisor

Mary Thompson


In this study, I investigated the relationships between political identity, religious identity, and national identity, as well as related attitudes about essentialism. I hypothesized that having essentialist attitudes about one identity group will correlate with having essentialist attitudes about other identities. I also predicted that the more important an identity is to one’s sense of self, the more likely they will be to hold essentialist attitudes about that identity. Finally, I predicted that having a Republican identity positively correlates with essentialist views of one’s national identity. In this paper, I discuss the theoretical basis, as well as the method, sampling procedures, limitations, and future directions.



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