Senior Honors Projects, 2020-current
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Date of Graduation
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Department of Computer Science
Second Advisor
Chris Mayfield
Third Advisor
Chris Johnson
Fourth Advisor
Michael Stewart
This research continues the work of Gilbert et al. [1] by translating the “Fourth Hour” review session materials from Java to Python, keeping the focus on common misconceptions in the literature, continuing to use Peer Instruction (PI), and addressing two issues in the previous study: low attendance and short-term learning outcomes during the session. [2] The “Fourth Hour” is a review session designed to support students taking CS1 who may have missed class or need to review the previous week’s material. This review session is an hour long and is offered twice a week with the same material so more students can fit it into their schedules. In Gilbert et al’s study, attendance was too low for the results to be statistically significant. This new study attempts to address this issue by implementing in-class weekly assessments with retakes that will be used to improve attendance. This study also measures learning gains during the session by measuring the accuracy of the responses to the given PI questions to determine whether students who attend are actually learning the material being presented.