Senior Honors Projects, 2020-current

Date of Graduation




Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management

Second Advisor

Tabitha K. Coates

Third Advisor

Randall S. Snow


The Great Resignation, which stemmed from the Covid-19 pandemic, has impacted many businesses within the United States. With the nation's quit rate reaching all-time highs, businesses are struggling to retain and attract new employees. This is especially seen within the hospitality industry. The industry has been struggling to reach sufficient staffing levels while people are excited to travel and utilize these hospitality businesses after the global pandemic. To learn more about this issue and to gain awareness, I have conducted a literature review of the current research about this topic. I have also conducted my own research by interviewing three hospitality recruiters in three different sectors. These include the hotel, restaurant, and country club sectors. The information gathered leads to a thorough understanding of recruiting and talent acquisition strategies in the hospitality industry during the Great Resignation.



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