International Journal on Responsibility

Author Guidelines

IJR will provide publications in different formats due to the range of topics and disciplines that deal with various aspects of responsibility. Unless otherwise specified by a particular call for papers, References should be formatted according to Harvard style. Proposals for special issues are welcomed and invited.

Paper Submissions

The journal accepts submissions on the full range of topics related to responsibility as well as special issues dedicated to one topic.

Manuscripts should not exceed 40 pages of text inclusive (including references, endnotes, tables, and/or figures).

Book Reviews (800 words)

Authors and publishers are encouraged to send review copies of their recent related books to the address below. Received books will be listed as Books Received within the journal's News & Announcements section. Potential reviewers will be recruited by the Editorial Board.

Author Submission Guidelines for the International Journal on Responsibility

Please read the below guidelines prior to submitting a manuscript using the submission site. Upon accessing this site, first-time users will be prompted to create an account with the journal.

IJR uses double anonymous peer review. Authors are required to submit an anonymized manuscript and a separate title page in Word format. The title page contains the title of the manuscript, name(s), affiliation(s), contact information of the author(s), and a section titled "Statements and Declarations." This section includes a statement on whether funding was received for the research and whether the authors have financial or non-financial interests to disclose.

  1. The anonymized manuscript is free from any identifying information. Authors may cite their own previous work as long as they do not identify themselves when doing so.
  2. Submitted manuscripts must not be under review or have been published elsewhere.
  3. Authors must indicate whether IRB approval was received (or were granted exemption) for research involving human subjects. The name of the institutional body granting approval, which will be anonymized for peer review, must be included along with the IRB approval number. If the research was exempt, the authors must provide an explanation as to why it was exempt.
  4. Manuscripts should begin with an abstract that is no longer than 250 words followed by four or five key words that would appear if the manuscript were to be published in the journal.
  5. Manuscripts must be written in English, unless another language is requested. American or British English spelling can be used.
  6. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman size 12 font, and should not exceed 40 pages of text inclusive (including references, endnotes, tables, and/or figures).
  7. Unless otherwise specified by a particular call for papers, References should be formatted according to Harvard style as detailed in the Author Style Guide.
  8. Manuscripts are subject to internal review prior to being sent out for anonymous, peer review. This process may take up to five business days.
  9. Manuscripts will be reviewed by two external reviewers.
  10. Once the peer-review process has been completed, authors should hear from the journal within 10-12 weeks after initial submission.

Please note that manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines may be returned to the author(s) or rejected.

Accepted manuscripts will be published by IJR under the auspices of a Creative Commons License. The default license is CC BY-NC-SA. However, authors have the option of selecting a CC BY-NC-ND license. Authors retain full copyright to their work, granting IJR a perpetual non-exclusive CC license, which enables publication. 

Digital preservation is managed in-house by Scholarly Communications Strategies in JMU Libraries; venue of publication is JMU Scholarly Commons. No restrictions exist regarding authors' rights to archive a published version of a manuscript in any venue of their choosing, without embargo.