International Journal on Responsibility




5 – 7 Terry Beitzel, Gjylbehare Muharti, and Hysen Nimani, Responsibility in the Balkans: Justice, Media and Arts.

8 – 22 Mujë Ukaj and Qendresa Jasharaj, International Criminal Responsibility in Kosovo: Establishment of the International Criminal Court - de lege lata, de lege ferenda.

23 – 41 Avdullah Robaj and Sabiha Shala, Responsibility in Building Rule of Law: Kosovo Challenges.

42 – 54 Mujë Ukaj, The Irresponsible Persons: the Imposition and Execution of the Mandatory Treatment Measures on Criminal Procedure of Kosovo.

55 – 64 Gani Asllani, Bedri Statovci, and Gentiana Gega, Development and Protection of Economic Competition in Kosovo.

65 – 87 Saranda Leka and Dukagjin Leka, Judiciary and State-Building of Kosovo: Execution of Imprisonment for Women in the Republic of Kosovo.

88 – 99 Alba Muçolli and Syzana Jakupi, Working on a Tone - as Challenge of the Music Education Responsibility.

100 – 107 Syzana Jakupi and Alba Muçolli, Music, Institutions and Responsibilities in Kosovo.





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