International Journal on Responsibility


While AI and other smart technologies greatly contribute to material aspects of well-being, there are concerns that they threaten quality of life in Singapore. Smart technologies and digital governance have freed up labor for activities where human empathy and understanding are unique and indispensable, but also threaten to undermine human dignity and accountability. This paper undertakes a comprehensive assessment of Singapore as an international model for AI responsibility from the perspective of the history and philosophy of technological governance. It examines the evolution of regulatory frameworks, ethical considerations, and key legal documents and social initiatives shaping the nation’s approach to responsible, transparent, and just AI development. It also compares Singapore’s actions, principles, and guidelines for AI responsibility to international activities and frameworks. This paper emphasizes the need for responsible and trustworthy AI development that considers causal links between AI technologies and their consequences, and encourages more conscientious collaboration to bridge the responsibility gap caused by AI’s centralized and distributed sociotechnical systems.

Type of Issue

Regular issue



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