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Supporting the career development of your library faculty and staff can help you retain highly qualified employees and develop your next leaders. In 2017, the presenters’ university library embraced a new initiative to support our employees in their career goals. Through a partnership with the university Career & Academic Planning office, the mid-sized academic library developed and implemented an immersive program focused on the participants’ career goals. The blended program included self-assessments, 360-degree feedback, expert panels, informational interviews, networking strategies, resume reviews, and interview practice during in-person class sessions and online. This poster provides details about the program objectives, curriculum, and costs, as well as participant characteristics, evaluations, and outcomes based on the two program cohorts to date. Findings include the positive impact of confidential discussion within the cohort, the relative benefit of each of the activities included in the program, and participant report of post-program successes and challenges after 6 months and one year.

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