Submissions from 2025
A framework for metadata workflows, Rebecca B. French
Renovation and expansion of leadership for all genders: Building toward inclusive foundations, Galen J. Talis
Submissions from 2024
The Manager and the Archivist: Robert Bahmer’s Presidential Address and its Relevance Six Decades Later, Caitlin Birch
Preservation as Portal to Poetry, Caitlin Birch, Layne Carpenter, and Brian Flota
Sustainable Curation: Preserving the Furious Flower Poetry Center Conference Recordings, Layne Carpenter and Bodeene Amyot Cairdeas
Fostering Belonging in the Workplace: What Does Commitment look like at Interpersonal, Team, and Organizational Levels?, Jody Condit Fagan
Subject Analysis Ex Machina: Developing a Subject Heading Recommendation Service for JMU Libraries, Steven W. Holloway
From ‘Afrofuturist Comics’ to ‘Zombies in Comics’: Inclusive Comics Cataloging from A to Z, Steven W. Holloway, Allison Bailund, Carole Sussman, and Deborah Tomaras
Leading with Joy: Lessons from the Literature, Jennifer A. Keach, Jenne M. Klotz, and Galen J. Talis
[Re]Thinking Digital Infrastructure: Centering Humans in Integrated Systems Work, Mark Lane, Bodeene Amyot Cairdeas, Rebecca B. French, and Jody Condit Fagan
Breaking Through: Dispelling Outdated Student Research Notions, Lara Sapp, Liana Bayne, Liz Chenevey, and Valerie Linsinbigler
Addressing a Curricular “Blind Spot”: The Collaboration Efforts for a Research Guide to Support Inclusive Excellence, Lara Sapp, Karen Weeks, Jamie Robinson, and Karen Jagiello
There's a Map for That: Showcasing Alternate Study Spaces During a Library Renovation, Kristen S. Shuyler and Emily Blake
Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) Leaders and Leadership, Galen J. Talis
Submissions from 2023
Navigating a New Institution in a New World: Managing Change in the Everyday, Theresa Berger, Caitlin Birch, Joseph Lueck, Stephanie Rahmat, and Derek Webb
Cultivating Connection: Attending to Student Affect through a Pedagogy of Care, Liz Chenevey
Teaching the politics of citation: Challenging students’ perceptions, Liz Chenevey
Beyond Boxes: Managing Containers and Spaces in ArchivesSpace, Tiffany Cole, Kate Morris, and Grace Thompsen
Lived Experiences of Academic Librarians of Color: A Bibliography, Jody Condit Fagan
How can transformational leadership be uNBound from the gender binary paradigm?, Jody Condit Fagan and Michelle Hamilton-Page
Searching for Nonbinary and Trans Inclusion: A Call to Action for Leadership Studies, Jody Condit Fagan and Ari Emilia Short
Approaches to Comics Stewardship: Making the Case for Academic Library Special Collections, Brian Flota and Kate Morris
Batch Cataloging at JMU: A Framework and Four Projects, Rebecca B. French
A Gentle Introduction to ChatGPT, Steven W. Holloway
The Ever-Changing Rules of the Game: Group 1 Entities & ‘Original’ RDA, Steven W. Holloway
The Ever-Changing Rules of the Game: ‘Original’ RDA, Steven W. Holloway
Exploring Artist Residencies for Academic Libraries, Jenne M. Klotz
JMU Libraries Magazine: Volume 2, Jenne M. Klotz
Temporary Spaces: Leveraging ArchivesSpace Container Management Functionality to Develop New Circulation Workflows, Kate Morris
Documenting meme culture and preserving ephemera through digital display, Kate Morris and Grace Thompsen
Using Professional Expectations to Improve Research and Reading Behaviors with Pre-Professional Health Students, Carolyn Schubert and Jennifer Walsh
Building a Library Renovation Website Using Public Relations Principles, Kristen S. Shuyler
Transgender and gender non-conforming leaders and leadership: A foundational and integrative review, Galen J. Talis
Submissions from 2022
No Pockets, Jody Condit Fagan
The Flowerings Project: A Library in Transformation, Jody Condit Fagan, Joanne V. Gabbin, Bethany Nowviskie, Lauren K. Alleyne, and Aaron Noland
Being Present, Supporting Presence: Ideas for Online Teaching and Facilitation, Rebecca B. French and Jody Condit Fagan
JMU Libraries Magazine, Jenne M. Klotz, Kristen S. Shuyler, and Emily Blake
Furious Flowerings: Digital infrastructure, Mark Lane and Bodeene Amyot
Scholarly Communications Strategies, Mark Lane, Howard S. Carrier, and Liz Thompson
Archival Continuum, Mark Lane, Tiffany Cole, Kate N. Morris, and Rebecca B. French
“What If You Don’t Have a Library School?” Ethical Considerations for a Summer Internship at an Academic Library, Mark Lane, Brian Flota, and Juhong Christie Liu
Making Decisions about Asynchronous and Synchronous Engagement Strategies: Access and Inclusion, Jessica Lantz, Eric M. Stauffer, Jamie Calcagno-Roach, Andrea H. Adams, Kristen S. Shuyler, Aaron Noland, and Juhong Christie Liu
Meeting a Need: Piloting a Mentoring Program for History Librarians, Malia Willey, Brittany O'Neill, and Amanda Binder
Submissions from 2021
An Emergent Pedagogy of Presence and Care: Addressing Affect in Information Literacy Instruction, Liz Chenevey
Embodied Care: Exploring Mental Health Zines as Feminist Health Resources, Liz Chenevey
Google Books, Jody Condit Fagan
Reflections on “To study the self is to forget the self’: Zen lessons on ego and leadership in higher education”, Jody Condit Fagan
Metadata Analysis for Pre-Migration Cleanup, Rebecca B. French
Planning Batch Cataloging Projects, Rebecca B. French
Re-envisioning the Virginia Journal of Public Health: Leveraging the institutional repository for publishing success, Mark Lane, Rebecca Kruse, Maria deValpine, and Carolyn Schubert
More Alike Than Different: Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians by Genders and Subject Areas, Elizabeth Price and Jody C. Fagan
Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians and the Librarian-Faculty-Student Dynamic: Minding our gaps, Lara Sapp, Jody Fagan, Hillary Ostermiller, and Elizabeth Price
Leading Change: A Case Study of a Transparent, Scaffolded Process for Rebalancing Workloads across Liaisons, Carolyn Schubert
Systemic Racism in the United States, Ari Emilia Short
A practical guide to working with copyrighted and open access resources in scholarship, Liz Thompson and Howard Carrier
An Axiomatic Construction of the Real Number System, Leonard Van Wyk
Submissions from 2020
“To study the self is to forget the self”: Zen lessons on ego and leadership in higher education, Jody Condit Fagan
Academic Librarian Perceptions of Academic Librarians: Building a Foundation of Shared Understanding, Jody Fagan, Hillary Ostermiller, Elizabeth Price, and Lara Sapp
Faculty Perceptions of Academic Librarians: Experts, Connectors, and Resource Stewards, Jody Fagan, Elizabeth Price, Hillary Ostermiller, and Lara Sapp
Secrets of the Save File: Using Connexion and Microsoft Access for Efficient Batch Cataloging Projects, Rebecca B. French
Small Steps Make Giant Leaps: An Incremental Approach to Technical Services Workflow Automation, Rebecca B. French
To Discovery and Beyond: Using Workflow Automation as an Opportunity for Collaboration and Education, Rebecca B. French
Whitepaper: Understanding land-atmosphere interactions through tower-based flux and continuous atmospheric boundary layer measurements, Manuel Helbig, Tobias Gerken, E Beamesderfer, D D. Baldocchi, T Banerjee, S C. Biraud, N A. Brunsell, S P. Butterworth, W S. Chan, A R. Desai, J D. Fuentes, D Y. Hollinger, N Klijun, M Mauder, K A. Novick, J M. Perkins, C Rey-Sanchez, R L. Scott, B Seyednasrollah, P C. Stoy, R C. Sullivan, J Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, S Wharton, C Yi, and A D. Richardson
Practical Strategies for Transitioning, Jennifer A. Keach
Image organization & presentation tools, Mark Lane and Bodeene Amyot
Getting Started With Digital Exhibitions, Grace Wilson
Taking Control of Your Faculty Identity: Exploring Your Scholarly Reach, Grace Wilson
Submissions from 2019
What We Learned Having Faculty Build a 3D Printer, Jamie M. Calcagno-Roach, Joi Merritt, Eric M. Stauffer, and Chelsey M. Bahlmann Bollinger
Critical Information Literacy: From General Education to the Major How Assessment Shapes Competencies and Student Learning, Kathy E. Clarke, Gretchen A. Hazard, and Brian C. Leventhal
Taking Control of Archdesc: Implementing Spaceport for Special Collections Finding Aids, Tiffany Cole and Rebecca B. French
James Madison University Special Collections: Collections Management, Tiffany Cole and Kate N. Morris
Revealing the Hidden Humanities: Strategies for Academic Libraries to Improve Access and Awareness, Jody Condit Fagan and Malia Willey
Librarian, Faculty, and Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians: Study Introduction and Literature Review, Jody C. Fagan, Hillary Ostermiller, Elizabeth Price, and Lara Sapp
Challenging "Stereotypes and Fixity": African American Comic Books in the Academic Archive, Brian Flota
Alternative Summer Break Academic Library Internship: Exploring Professional Engagement as an Acting Librarian, Brian Flota, Stephanie Akau, Alexandra Haubrick, Mark Lane, Juhong Christie Liu, Kate Morris, Kaitlyn Sisk, Liz Thompson, and K.T. Vaughan
Spaceport: A Finding Aid Launchpad, Rebecca B. French
The Visibility of Authority Records, Researcher Identifiers, Academic Social Networking Profiles, and Related Faculty Publications in Search Engine Results, Rebecca B. French and Jody Condit Fagan
Empowering Your Staff to Solve Problems: Evidence-Based Training for Strategic Thinking, Rebecca B. French and Jennifer A. Keach
Creating a Library Orientation Card Game to Reach New Transfer Students, Kelly Giles, Kristen S. Shuyler, Andrew Evans, and Jon Reed
It Was an Honor: What Happens When Two Librarians Teach an Honors Course on Comics?, Steven W. Holloway and Brian Flota
Creating Good Classroom Activities, Krisztina V. Jakobsen, Laura Madson, and Liz Chenevey
5 Steps to Creating Quality Educational Programs: Lessons from the Field of Instructional Design, Jennifer A. Keach
Planning for Digital Preservation, Mark Lane
Benefits of contributing your scholarship to JMU Scholarly Commons, Mark Lane and Rebecca Kruse
Digital Collections, Mark Lane and Rebecca Kruse
Digital Storytelling and Young Children: Transforming Learning Through Creative Use of Technology, Jessica Lantz
Girls and 3D Printing: Considering the Content, Context, and Child, Jessica Lantz
High Impact Practices: Developing a Framework for Integrating HIPS at the Individual Course Level and General Education, Jessica Lantz
Designing a Multimodal Open Access Lab Methods in Geosciences Textbook - An Action Research Study, Juhong Christie Liu Ph.D., Elizabeth Johnson Ph.D., and Jin Joy Mao Ph.D.
Curriculum Design with Systematic Analysis, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, and Research, Juhong Christie Liu Ph.D., Eric M. Stauffer, Jim R. West, and Dominic "Nick" D. Swayne
Library and academic discipline partnerships: Building a foundation of OER knowledge in teacher education students, Liz Thompson and Jessica Lantz
Pre-service Teacher Awareness of Open Educational Resources, Liz Thompson, Jessica L. Lantz, and Brian Sullivan
Building the Future of OER through Pre-service Teachers, Liz Thompson, Melissa Wells, and Jessica Lantz
Building an Inclusive Library through Staff Accessibility Training, K.T. L. Vaughan
Submissions from 2018
Mindfulness practices for Information Literacy: Encouraging reflective engagement with information, Liz Chenevey
Effective and Compelling Information Literacy for SCHEV Reporting: What do Virginia Librarians Want This To Look Like?, Kathy E. Clarke, Candice Benjes-Small, and Meridith A. Wolnick
From Tests to Rubrics Strategies for Assessing Information Literacy at Three Institutions, Kathy E. Clarke, Cynthia Cane, Carolyn Caffrey Gardner, and Carolyn Radcliff
Do Students Value General Education, Kathy E. Clarke, Gretchen A. Hazard, and Raymond "Skip" M. Hyser
Information Literacy Assessment for Instruction and Improvement and Demonstration of Library Value: Comparing Locally-Grown and Commercially Created Tests, Kathy E. Clarke and Carolyn Radcliff