An Emergent Pedagogy of Presence and Care: Addressing Affect in Information Literacy Instruction

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Document Type

Presented Paper


How are librarians addressing emotions and affect, including shame, anxiety, and other mental health concerns, in the information literacy classroom? Grounded in a feminist ethic of care and principles of Emergent Strategy (brown 2017), this session will explore how our pedagogies can address the affective side of student learning. As instruction librarians, we are often guests in the classroom who disrupt the day-to-day classroom environment. We may use pedagogical strategies that students are unused to and unprepared for. This session aims to provide space to discuss the connection between emotions and cognition, how this affects student learning, and share strategies for how we can increase our affective instruction competency.

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Presented at the ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference in April 2021.
