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This article provides an introduction for library leaders at all levels to support equitable conditions for joy in the workplace, as well as for anyone who wants to develop their personal practice of joy through lessons discovered in popular, academic, and professional writing and multimedia. Joy has a place in contemporary libraries’ conversations about burnout, vocational awe, and care. The article begins with a guide to the annotated bibliography which explores five themes: defining joy, finding individual joy, work and organizational joy, empowering change with joy, and joy-adjacent emotions. The thematic guide may be read alone or used as an invitation to read specific entries within the annotated bibliography which follows. This article’s elevation of joy resources and concepts will inspire group discussions, provide a foundation for future research, and offer practical advice for leaders seeking to cultivate joyful work environments.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


This article will be initially published in Libraries Leadership & Management



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