Date of Graduation


Semester of Graduation


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


School of Art, Design and Art History

Second Advisor

Dymph de Wild

Third Advisor

Lisa Tubach

Fourth Advisor

Robert Mertens


This is a document archiving and describing my work for the years 2019-2021 as part of the completion requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree. As a whole, this work investigates the paradox and negotiations of access to the self, the history, and to the landscape you occupy. It asks questions about authorship, valuing, sacred and sacrament, but retains the gravitation, umbilical tie to memoir and narrative. Ritual, habit, and transformational cleansing are recurring themes in the work. Body, breath-- access to the invisible. Preservation of the uncertain. Fragility carries weight, and importance, destruction and negotiation as vessels of repair. Washing, waiting, filtering-- and, ultimately, letting go.



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