Date of Graduation


Semester of Graduation


Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)


School of Music

Second Advisor

William Dabback

Third Advisor

Alice Hammel

Fourth Advisor

Bryce Hayes


The purpose of this study was to survey Commonwealth of Virginia middle and high school music educators concerning the impact of integrating non-ensemble general music activities within secondary ensembles. Specifically, the questions focused on integrating guitar/piano, composition, and music technology into (non-jazz) performance ensembles, as identified through the lens of the NAfME Performing Strand. For the purposes of this study, non-ensemble general music courses were defined as courses that are traditionally not viewed as performance classes. Throughout this study, the integration of general music activities in secondary performance ensembles was examined through the lens of the NAfME Performing Strand.

The researcher shared a survey with 864 ensemble directors at multiple Virginia secondary public and private schools with research questions emphasizing the impact of non-ensemble general music activities on secondary ensembles. Study participants included music educators in established Virginia public and private school music programs with varying demographics. The researcher collected data via QuestionPro’s survey platform and resulted in recommendations and a resource guide for ensemble directors implementing non-ensemble general music activities. Suggestions for further research are included.



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