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Submissions from 2018

Intercollegiate Athletics Community Service Efforts

Intercollegiate Athletics Community Service in '15-'16

Inter Cultural Dialogues (ICD’s) as part of UNST 150 course

International Leadership Conference '16

International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP)

International Network of Universities' Student Seminar for Global Citizenship and Peace

"Internship in History" course

"Interpersonal Innovations" -- an interdisciplinary collaboration between Engineering, Nursing and Biology

Interprofessional Autism Clinic

ISAT 433: Selected Problems in Manufacturing

ISAT 480: Selected Topics in Integrated Science and Technology

JMU Art Education Center

JMU Art Students Teach Retirement Community Residents

JMU Biology professor serves on local conservation board and committee

JMU Center for Economic Education Civic Engagement Initiative

JMU Civic Mentors

JMU collaborating with Stevenson Elementary School

JMU Graduate School Education Fund Supports Doctor of Nursing Practice Grad Student in Tanzania

JMU involvement in the American Democracy Project in '15-'16

"JMU on the Hill" Reception on Capitol Hill

JMU positive social media posts in '15-'16

JMU posts on social media in '15-'16

JMU Pre-Med Chapter of AMSA wins award in AY '15-'16

JMU professor named to the Harrisonburg City Council committee on environmental performance standards

JMU professor served on the Board of Directors for the Center for Coldwaters Restoration

JMU professor serves on the Hazmat Unit One team for the Harrisonburg City Fire Department

JMU Recruitment Fair print materials developed

JMU Research and Scholarship

JMU Research and Scholarship continues involvement with Virginia Clean Cities

JMU Research Development and Promotion involved in Harrisonburg Walk to End Alzheimer’s

JMURJ in '15-'16

JMU Scholarly Commons continued to expand in AY '15-'16

JMuse Café focuses on civic engagement

JMU’s federal relations agenda was developed

JMU's social media presence/following in '15-'16

JMU students present at the 30th National Conference for Undergraduate Research

JMU students present at the Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Conference

JMU Study Abroad: Painting and Dance in Southern France

JMU Supporting the Peace Corps

JMU Visitation in '15-'16

JMU X-Labs

Justice Studies Faculty Members Engaging in the Community

Justice Studies students examine restorative justice framework in Harrisonburg

Leadership and professional development program for athletes implemented in Fall 2016 (AY '16-'17)

Leaders in International Friendship Exchange (LIFE) program -- Center for Global Engagement

LEAD Team Consultants

Learning Centers' peer tutors serving as classroom learning "fellows"

Lexia, the WRTC student-run undergraduate journal

LGBTQ+ Graduates in 2018

Libraries and Educational Technologies: orientation done using an interactive gaming approach

Libraries and Educational Technologies Special Collections Speaker Series

Libraries & Learning Technologies helps host JMuse Café events

Madison Collaborative 8KQ for Ethical Reasoning Workshop

Madison Collaborative collaborated with the FairField Center

Madison Collaborative conducts workshop at Vincennes University

Madison Collaborative Educator Workshops

Madison Collaborative Ethical Reasoning Debate

Madison Collaborative Food for Thought: An 8KQ Lunch Series

Madison Collaborative highly involved in conference workshops and training

Madison Collaborative involved in EMMES Corporation staff training

Madison Collaborative -- "It's Complicated" Orientation program

Madison Collaborative "It's Complicated" workshop during 1787 August Orientation

Madison Collaborative Peer Educator Group

Madison Collaborative Peer Educators

Madison Collaborative's "Coffee and Conversations on Ethical Reasoning"

Madison Collaborative Student Ethics Slam

Madison Community Scholars in '15-'16

Madison Engineering Exchange

Madison Family Newsletter in '15-'16

Madison Garden functionable and supporting food truck (Fueled).

Madison Singers perform at Augusta County Correctional Facility

Madison Update E-newsletter expanded in '15-'16

Madison Vision Series in '15-'16

Mathematics provides consultations to JMU and Harrisonburg communities

Media Production Services works with Dukes Vote in '15-'16

Mentor Experience Civic Learning Programs

Middle School Visit Program success in AY '15-'16

Military Science Vietnam Memorial Luncheon

Music and Human Services minor

Music and Human Services Minor Outreach '15-'16

Music Majors Capstone

Music Majors Ensemble

National Suicide Prevention Week

new 'Independent Scholars' major introduced in AY '15-'16

NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

NSF CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service

NSF Research Experiences in AY '15-'16

NUTR 446

Occupational Therapy hosts Community Health & Wellness fair

ODS Engagement Activity in '15-'16

ODS hosts Middle school students in '15-'16

Office of Campus and Community Programs and the 2017 Diversity Conference

Office of Campus and Community Programs works with Advancing Via Individual Determination (AVID)

Office of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability funded student undergraduate research experiences

Office of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (OESS) programming at the Sphere Theater

Office of International Programs (OIP) Exchange Programs in AY '15-'16

Office of International Programs (OIP) Study Abroad in AY '15-'16

Office of the State Superintendent of Education JMU summer Programs

Orientation involvement with DukesVote

Orientation Student Staff Training in '15-'16