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DDAS, 2007, Iraq, handling, BLU-61, AP


[Name removed] then tells everyone to stay in the control point as he and [Victim No.2] are going to check out the next task location. During this time I am sat in the ambulance along with [Name removed] the team 5 medic. I hear an explosion and know it was not carried out by us. Shortly afterwards a message come across the radio requesting medic medic come to help us. [Name removed] then informs me to follow him to the incident site. He arrived roughly 10-15 seconds before us. He then tells me and [the Medic] to help [Victim No.2] as he is still moving. We reach [Victim No.2] and as we are carrying towards the ambulance we hear another small explosion and [Name removed] is running towards us. As he reaches us we are putting Victim No.2] into the ambulance which is now almost 300m away from Victim No.1’s vehicle. A third larger explosion is heard.



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