Preferred Name



Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Educational Specialist (EdS)


Department of Graduate Psychology

Second Advisor

A. Renee Staton

Third Advisor

Joseph LeBlanc


This manuscript explores and examines Asian/Asian-American identity and values. A brief discussion of Asian immigration history, intergenerational trauma, and the impacts of COVID-19 will be linked to Asian identity. Eastern values are explored in conjunction with Western values to highlight the differences and contradictions Asians/Asian-Americans navigate. Biculturalism is explained, as well as how the navigation of values results in individuals living in their ethnic and host cultures simultaneously. Acculturation and enculturation, the model minority myth, education and the American Dream, and bicultural stress experienced by Asian-Americans and Asian international students are explored to highlight the various ways in which biculturalism is apparent in the lives of Asians/Asian-Americans. Emotions, parenting, and attachment among Asians/Asian-Americans are examined. A definition of emotions is presented, as well as a theoretical framework explaining the complexity of how emotions are an intricate part of culture. Western notions of parenting and attachment are explored, along with parenting and attachment styles relevant to Asian culture. Lastly, implications for counselors regarding mental health stigma, paucity of attachment research, interventions for biculturalism, race-based trauma, and intergenerational connection are presented to contribute to culturally-sensitive interventions mental health professionals may implement in the therapeutic processes with Asian/Asian-American clients.



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