Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


School of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication


Kurt Schick


While employed at the University Writing Center at James Madison University, I noticed how helpful it was for the students, tutors and faculty. Curious about the benefits of a writing center at the high school level, I began researching high school writing centers, and following my adviser’s suggestion, I created the initial draft of a proposal for a writing center at Lafayette High School in Williamsburg, Virginia.

After interviews with faculty at Lafayette and a personal conversation with the principal, I revised my proposal, adapting it to Lafayette’s needs. The following proposal identifies the need for and the benefits of a writing center at Lafayette High School. It answers critical questions concerning the center’s development and management and contains a case study of Edison Writing Center at Thomas Edison High School in Northern Virginia. Additionally, the proposal outlines the specific goals and policies of the proposed writing center and provides materials for the creation and maintenance of the proposed center.



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