Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Department of Justice Studies


Sue E. Spivey

Tara N. Parsons

Christine M. Robinson


This research combines an understanding of gender in Burmese society with contemporary techniques for preventing intimate partner violence (IPV). It is designed to provide individuals and groups with a comprehensive understanding of intimate partner violence in Burma as well as strategies to best improve programs dealing with this form of violence. To understand the current state of gender relations in Burma, interviews were conducted with 24 college students in Yangon, Burma. These interviews were used as a context for creating strategies which would best aid interested organizations in preventing intimate partner violence. These strategies include program development, legislation, social gender norms, local community engagement, female empowerment, male engagement, and alcohol use.



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