Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


Christie-Joy Brodrick-Hartman

Maria Papadakis

Emily York


This honors thesis is a part of a larger ISAT Senior Capstone project with partner Rachel Stukenborg. The purpose of the collaborative ISAT Capstone Project was to develop a set of university-level teaching and learning resources about energy poverty that incorporate a spherical display system, Science On a Sphere (S.O.S.). Four lesson “packages” were created regarding energy poverty for the ISAT Capstone. The first three incorporate Science On a Sphere while the fourth delves into the social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of sustainable solutions, without S.O.S. images. Each lesson package includes a background analysis, a comprehensive lesson plan, supporting teaching and learning resources, and a SOS “dataset” for select energy poverty indicators, such as access to non-solid fuels (percent of population by country). This honors is comprised of Kaitlin’s solo work: three extensive literature reviews, the methodology write up of the ISAT Capstone paper, and two full lesson plan packages.



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