Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Archival Department Name

Deaprtment of Nursing


Joshua R. Pate

David Shonk

Emeka Anaza


This project examined the research of past and present scholars in regards to the presence of violence in sport, specifically in regards to men’s lacrosse and the correlation between on-field violence and violent tendencies in its athletes off of the field. This examination observed the Native American aspects of the sport and violent aspects of the traditional form that have been perpetuated into the modernized version of the sport. Such perpetuation of violence raised questions of the division of on-field and off-field violence and how they impact those who participate in the sport. While direct correlations in relation to men’s lacrosse and off-field violence have yet to be discovered due to lack of previous research on the issue, this project revealed the importance of further examination of the issue, in order to protect current and future players from harmful effects of the sport’s violent nature.



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