Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Geology and Environmental Science


Amy Goodall

Fletcher Linder

Henry Way


Development of Harrisonburg’s W.H. Keister Elementary School (KES) Garden was started during fall 2011. KES Principal Anne Lintner and several faculty members from KES worked with the James Madison University Integrated Science and Technology Department, three JMU Geographic capstone students, and the preschool – 4th grade KES students to create a vegetable and wildflower garden. The design of the garden was developed by the JMU Geographic Science capstone students with the objective to create a learning laboratory where KES children could learn about and explore the growth of vegetables and the life science of insects and birds that visit the garden. In this study, I address the importance and benefits of a school garden for increasing children’s connection to natural environments. Through literature review and field observations in the KES garden, I assessed how to improve learning opportunities and nature connection in the garden. By investigating case studies and my own observations, I present methods for increasing children’s interactions with the garden and make recommendations for further work.



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