Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
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Date of Graduation
Spring 2015
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Department of Psychology
Monica Reis-Bergan
Misconceptions about traumatic brain injuries have been seen in the general population since 1988. Previous research has demonstrated that the misconceptions are not limited to geographical area and have been seen in health care professionals. A possible explanation for these misconceptions could be the ineffective transmission of knowledge. The current study examined the effect of an educational intervention on eight misconceptions and their ‘real life’ applications, as well as the general knowledge surrounding traumatic brain injuries. Comparative and absolute risk were also examined. Thirty undergraduate students were given a pre-test consisting of four surveys (misconceptions, application of misconception, general knowledge, and comparative risk), randomly assorted into an educational intervention group (verbal or verbal and written), and then given a post-test consisting of the same surveys. There was a significant time effect for the misconceptions survey. A significant interaction was seen in the general knowledge demonstrating the participant’s capability to learn. Future research is needed to examine why participants endorse particular beliefs.
Recommended Citation
Cregger, Alyson, "The effect of communication type on knowledge retention of brain injuries" (2015). Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019. 42.