Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

Archival Department Name

Deaprtment of Nursing


Christine Fasching-Maphis

Diane Babral

Arlene Renalds


Background: The spiritual dimension of nursing care is recognized as an important part of evidence-based practice. Several accrediting bodies, including the Joint Commission, American Nurses Association, and International Council of Nursing, have included spiritual care as part of their recommendations for practice. However, it has met many barriers to being integrated into routine nursing care. Evidence-based literature needs to be studied to promote proper spiritual care in the nursing profession. Method: Literature was systematically collected from four databases—CINHAL, PubMed, Cochrane and EBSCO—and then selected for inclusion into a comprehensive review. Included articles were integrated into an evidence-based review, and level of evidence of each was determined and reported. Results: Several spiritual assessment formats as well as several interventions were discovered. These were compared and contrasted to assist practicing nurses to select an evidence-based model for their own use. Generic assessment tools such as the FICA, HOPE, TRUST, and ETHNICS mnemonics can be useful for nurses to determine the initial spiritual needs of their patients, and whether further intervention is required. Conclusion: Nurses should integrate spiritual assessment and intervention into their routine nursing practice as part of evidence-based nursing care.



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