Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
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Date of Graduation
Spring 2018
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
School of Theatre and Dance
Benjamin Lambert
Kate Arecchi
Zachary A. Dorsey
Mary O'Donnell
In my research, I studied four theatrical forms: applied theatre and devising, creative drama, arts integration, and comprehensive theatre education. The purpose of studying these forms was to uncover how the forms and their corresponding pedagogies provide a Teaching Artist with skills to create an educational experience for youth. My creative project, teaching a theatre class for homeschool students, was a way to further my research by implementing what I learned while studying the forms. The goal of my creative project was to develop an environment where young people could successfully create theatre that was relevant to their life experiences. I studied these forms by reading books and articles, conducting interviews, observing classes, and engaging in participatory action research. Through my analysis of research, I found that understanding the functions of these forms helped me to uncover which contexts the forms would work best in. I also discovered that the forms all work in tandem to provide a teaching artist with the tools they need to have a holistic practice.
Recommended Citation
Mojallali, Madeline, "Intersections in theatrical and dramatic forms: An approach to holistic teaching artistry" (2018). Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019. 513.