Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


Program of International Business


Brian Charette


The purpose of this creative, collaborative, capstone project is to conduct a cross-cultural examination of the effect of employer support on employee productivity by compiling, examining, and synthesizing conclusions from existing research. In a world of growing globalization and technological innovation, the speed of productivity is often the cornerstone that differentiates successful businesses from unsuccessful businesses, providing a competitive advantage to the quick while the others fall behind. Often this increased level of efficiency comes at a cost beyond the price of the product and the salary of employees, a deeper, psychological cost. By reviewing research focused in the United States and Europe, we aim to minimize the gap between the health of employees and the profit of the business. We argue that prioritizing the well-being of employees is an advantageous business decision because it increases worker productivity and satisfaction which then enhances a business’ productivity and profitability.

Keywords: burnout, employer support, productivity



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