Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Early, Elementary and Reading Education


Mark Keeler

Shin Ji Kang

Dorothee Polanz


The presence of dual language programs in Elementary schools is becoming increasingly popular across the United States. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the intent of such programs, the successful implementation of the programs, and the outcomes these programs produce. This was done through a literature review and research. The research was done on the current Dual Language Program that has been implemented in the Harrisonburg City Public schools. This study found that typically these programs are implemented to support populations of students in schools who are English language learners. In order to implement such a program there needs to be buy in from the school administration, staff, and the community at large. These programs have seen high academic results, often on par with or above those of students in a traditional classroom. Thus they have a positive impact on the community, the school, the English language learners, and the students in the program that speak English who are learning the target language.



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