Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Department of Philosophy and Religion


Mark C. Piper

Andrea Veltman

Scott Hammond


This thesis explores the concept of authenticity as a mode of self-identity, and how an added layer of control through the application of personal autonomy enables an agent to more readily achieve authentic states of being and satisfaction. Comparing the work of Diana Meyers and Marina Oshana, two prominent, contemporary writers in the field of personal autonomy, this paper attempts to establish the ground works for what components are necessary to a personal autonomy account as well as highlighting the contrasting aspects of both views. The paper engages in a synthesis of these two views, combining the social-relational theory of Oshana with the internalist-competencies theory of Meyers. This in turn is built into a satisfaction-based account of autonomy, relying heavily on the concepts of both affective and intellectual satisfaction in order to support claims to one’s autonomous nature.



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