Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology


Dennis Blanton

Julie Solometo

Louis S. Eaton


This project used geoarchaeological techniques to examine how humans impacted the landscape at the middle Mississippian archaeological site Heritage Mounds (9DU2), in Dougherty County, Georgia, specifically looking at a borrow pit and a plaza. The site was the civic and ceremonial capital of the Capachequi territory, occupied at two separate times between AD 1250 – 1700. At the site soil samples were collected from two excavation units and two wetland cores. The units were for analysis of the plaza, and the cores were for analysis of the Mound A borrow pit. The samples were used for particle size and chemical analysis, and were examined for anomalies. These anomalies in the data allowed me to identify the process of earth-moving for the plaza creation, as well as documenting the incidental effects of their farming and earth-moving in the borrow pit.



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